Thursday, June 27, 2013

Two Months Post Op: The Week of Firsts

Yesterday marked 8 weeks post op! I can't believe it's already been two months. This past week has been the best week I've had since the surgery, hands down. I have continued to walk without my brace. For the first part of the week, I was keeping my left leg straight while walking still, and I've gradually started to bend it more while walking.

During the end of last week, both of my knees were pretty sore, and walking was still pretty painful on and off. Maybe from doing too much. It's been another busy week involving a lovely lunch with Erin outside at a cafe, a long-overdue dinner with Nicole filled with catching up, Wednesday group dinners, hanging out, a trip to the pool, and celebrating my mom's birthday.

The weather has been gorgeous, and has been making me appreciate being home for the summer. I've been taking advantage of all of this sunshine. Every morning, I eat breakfast out on our deck. It's a little slice of heaven. My mom planted a bunch of beautiful flowers, a couple tomato plants, and a green pepper plant. There is also a fountain that sounds so relaxing, although I can't help but think of it as the "Tinkle Tower" after my friend Diane told us that's what her son referred to them as since the sound makes everyone have to go to the bathroom. There are also usually plenty of birds happily chirping. I absolutely love it out there. 
One of the many beautiful flower baskets my mom made this year.
Delicious fresh tomatoes!
On Saturday night, the gang went to hang out at Andy, Rohan, and Ashwin's new place. We spent most of the evening in the basement. I didn't think I'd have to do any stairs so I left my crutches at home, but thankfully Hayes brought his for me to use. Unfortunately his crutches were for a 6'2" person on the smallest setting, but the worked for the most part. Thank you for bringing them, Hayes! My right knee was pretty sore the next day even with the help of the crutches, but it was an improvement from the last time I did stairs without crutches and could hardly walk afterwards. I am the most scared of stairs right now, because my right knee can't handle them and my left knee isn't supposed to do them yet. Crutches have been helpful though, but I'm looking forward to the day where I can tolerate going up and down stairs with minimal pain (or better yet-pain free!). Thank God I can stay on our ground level at my house. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't. 

Sunday was wonderful. Erin, Kevin, and I had been talking about wanting to swim all week, and it happened to be in the 90s on Sunday. Erin invited us to her neighborhood pool where her and her mom were heading, and I was really excited to swim for the first time until I realized I'm not sure if I'm allowed to swim yet, and I didn't know how I'd get into the pool. Luckily there was a ramp to walk into the pool, so I slowly but surely made my way in. I basically just walked in and tried to avoid children who were zooming around. I felt a bit naked without my brace or crutches since they kind of warn people to be careful around my leg. It felt amazing to be in the pool though. It was easier to walk in the water, and I did a few leg exercises that seemed safe enough. 
The perfect pool day.

My knee survived the pool!
On Sunday night, something amazing happened. For the first time in as far as I can remember, my left knee didn't hurt. Not at all. Now while sitting, not while walking, not while standing up from sitting. No sharp pain, no dull pain, no achey pain, no throbbing pain. Absolutely nothing! It was a miracle. I honestly don't know the last time that happened. Maybe when I was 6 or 7 years old? For as long as I can remember, both of my knees have ached, and I always just thought that's how it was. I can't believe that some people get to walk around with both knees feeling how my left one did that night for their whole lives! It felt fantastic!! I just didn't even think my knee feeling that good was possible. I was excited beyond words, and just enjoyed the pure joy I felt at not having any knee pain in one of my legs. 

This lasted all night, and most of the next day. It was spectacular. During the second half of this past week I began walking pretty normally for the first time since surgery, too, with my left leg bent, and at a semi-decent speed for two months after knee surgery! My gait is still a little jerky and slower than everyone else, but I'm thrilled with it. Each day my knee gets more stable and gives out less. Using my left leg more normally is helping the right feel slightly less painful, too. It's been a fabulous past few days. My knee was feeling SO good until Tuesday when I over-did it. 

My mom has been in Florida, so we wanted to surprise her with a birthday dinner since we didn't celebrate it last week. I went to the store with Kevin to pick up stuff to make cake for her, and John and Kelly brought a leftover pasta casserole that Kelly's aunt had made. John ran to the grocery store for me since bigger shopping trips are difficult for me still and got salad stuff, fresh asparagus, and fresh bread. Nate and John helped me wash and chop the veggies and helped with heavy kitchen stuff, then I made everything and baked the cake. Little John helped me decorate it :) My knees were incredibly sore by the end of the night, but my mom has done so much for me so I wanted to do something for her. I think she appreciated not having to cook after flying in from Florida. 
Little John tasting icing for the first time, and his mad cake decorating skills. He was very skeptical of the icing until John and I both tried it first, and then he looked like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. 
When Kevin and I went to store to get cake stuff and ice cream, I drove for the first time! We practiced in the parking lot first, and it felt a bit weird to brake. My right knee was a little sore, but the left felt okay sitting there. I was pretty nervous in case either knee started to hurt too much, but the parking lot went well, so we went on some back roads. Since everything was feeling so good, we ended up at Giant Eagle and on some main roads on the way back. Hooray driving!! It feels SO good to have more independence. 
After my first time driving in two months!
Overall, it's been a phenomenal week. I am incredibly thankful for how the healing process is going, and I can't wait to continue to get a little bit stronger each day!

Also, here is a random video of my nephew golfing :) Have a good week, everyone!

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